Deccan Chronicle

Docs unhappy with Arogyasri price list


The new price list put up by Aarogyasri Health Care Trust is not in sync with the discussion­s held by doctors of AP Nursing Homes’ Associatio­n. The latter have decided to go slow with Arogyasri patients.

The associatio­n had issued a month’s notice on April 3 to the trust, and demanded a 30 per cent hike on all procedures. Instead, the website has indicated a price rise only on certain procedures.

In the case of some procedures, the prices have been reduced.

Dr Krishna Pra-sad of APNA says, “We have expressed our objections to the reduced price. At the same time, we have asked for a uniform 30 per cent price revision on all the procedures. They have increased the price by 60 per cent for some proce- dures, 40 per cent for some and reduced the price for others.”

The doctors have held several meetings with the Trust officials and also with the financial department. In this all the procedures of 938 listed diseases have been explained to the state government officials. Cost analysis was worked out for the small nursing homes who are finding it difficult to survive.

The ‘go slow’ method means that they will admit only those patients who will be discharged on or before May 3 in lieu of the notice. It gives them time to submit bills and ensure that the contract with the government is not violated.

Arogyasri Health Care Trust has scheduled another round of meetings. But till the government agrees to give a written assurance on their demand, the doctors are not willing to budge from their stance.

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