Deccan Chronicle



BIHAR CHIEF MINISTER Nitish Kumar’s clean image, and proven dedication to work is the strongest asset of the ruling JD(U) in Bihar. Amid growing public disgust at tainted people seeking entry into and rising high in politics, the JD(U) has tried hard to keep such tendencies in check, though it has had some glaring failures. The party’s claim to a clean organisati­on in Bihar’s changing narrative of criminal-politician relations got a serious jolt when a man accused of murder and extortion was seen on stage with top JD(U) leaders. This man, Pintu Singh, presented a bouquet to senior JD(U) leader and former Union minister Harikishor­e Singh at a recent programme in Patna to commemorat­e freedom fighter Veer Kuer Singh. Many in the JD(U), which already has MLAs such as Anant Singh and Sunil Pandey who are notorious for the criminal charges they face, were aghast to see Pintu Singh hobnobbing with senior party leaders. An MLA close to Nitish Kumar said the saving grace of the latest public embarrassm­ent was that Pintu Singh was not photograph­ed with the chief minister. Even as some JD(U) leaders justified Mr Singh’s presence, saying he was currently out on bail, Mr Kumar himself has reportedly asked for details about the man’s work and his links with JD (U) leaders. “When Mr Kumar was told of this man’s presence on stage, he was aghast and asked if some JD(U) leaders want Bihar to return to the times of the RJD regime when criminals openly hobnobbed with ministers,” said an MLA. He said Mr Kumar urged his close party colleagues to ensure there was no repetition of such incidents. But with crime and politics being such good bedfellows, this may be easier said than done.

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