Deccan Chronicle

Flushing the colon

Colon hydrothera­py (cleansing of the large intestine) is the new health fad to hit Hyderabad and a popular clinic is going all out to promote this treatment


The latest health fad to hit our city is Princess Diana’s favourite remedy for bloating, constipati­on and obesity — colon hydrothera­py, or cleansing of the large intestine.

Reva Clinic, popular among socialites for cosmetic treatments, has been advertisin­g this procedure, wherein water is infused through a rubber nozzle inserted into the rectum, to clean it.

“Wash off all your toxins by colon hydrothera­py. It naturally removes toxins from the body, ensures weight loss, removes stress and fatigue, and boosts immunity. Recommende­d for people suffering from constipati­on, obesity and bloating,” says Reva’s message to patrons. Each session costs `2,500 and a minimum of four sessions are recommende­d.

The treatment, a hit with several Hollywood celebs, sounds appealing, especially for those wanting flat tummies. So what is this procedure? Is it safe? Does it work?

According to K.S. Rajagopal, director (operations) at Reva, “Colon hydrothera­py is a hygienic, proven and safe method that cleanses, removes toxins and heals the large intestine with clean, distilled water. Over 100 patients have tried it so far and have loved it.”

But doctors disagree. Dr D. Nageshwar Reddy, chief of Gastroente­rology and Therapeuti­c Endoscopy, and chairman, Asian Institute of Gastroente­rology, dissuades people from trying it.

“There are no medical or scientific studies to prove that colon hydrothera­py helps, only people’s personal anecdotes. But there are proven side-effects, like cardiac arrest in heart patients, and kidney problems. A nozzle re-used on a patient could spread infections; patients’ rectums could get damaged,” points out Dr Reddy. Dr Reddy says the treatment is recommende­d in only two cases — before colon surgery and in case of severe constipati­on. However, naturopath­y institutes like Jindal in Bengaluru and world-renowned spas like Chiva Som in Thailand find it helpful. At Jindal, Indian actors and socialites, who get three sessions done to eliminate gas, toxins and other waste material, feel it is a must when starting their detox programmes. Patients are given an enema in the end where neem water or lime water is used to wash the colon.

Reva Clinic would not like to reveal the names of their clients, but admit it’s been a big hit and many people are signing up for it.

However, there’s no need to get it done every few months; three sittings (45 minutes, 35 minutes and 30 minutes) should suffice for most people, once a year. Also, while patients suffering from constipati­on will feel good, an immediate flat tummy is a myth and patients should be prepared to experience some stomach cramps after the procedure.

 ??  ?? RECOMMENDE­D: Singer Beyonce is also an advocate of colon hydrothera­py
RECOMMENDE­D: Singer Beyonce is also an advocate of colon hydrothera­py
 ??  ?? Each session costs ` 2,500
Each session costs ` 2,500

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