Deccan Chronicle

Are you ready for more?


In the theatre, the opening of a curtain usually heralds the start of a performanc­e. The curtain closing suggests an ending. Such traditions still apply to the great celestial spectacle. A couple of weeks ago, we had a lunar eclipse. Towards the end of this week, some parts of the world get a glorious annular solar eclipse. Eclipses come in pairs, as if announcing a cavalcade of magic moments for millions worldwide. We’re in the midst of one now. Don’t imagine this is any ordinary week. Even if you don’t see an eclipse, you may yet see a miracle!


ARIES March 21-April 20

Why bother reading your own forecast? It is not as if this is going to be your week, is it? I mean, come on, let’s be honest. We all know who you are going to spend your time running around for. It is obvious who will be demanding your attention and energy. So, why not just read their prediction, and then prepare yourself to be of service? Or then again, you could make a decision. No matter what you want to change about someone — or some situation — change something in yourself and draw some clearer lines of distinctio­n.


Discover more of Jonathan at, where you can find daily forecasts, in-depth analysis, and you can join his amazing 5-Star service.

TAURUS April 21-May 21

Why do contracts require lawyers? Because if agreements are not carefully phrased in complex and potentiall­y misleading language, there is a risk that they may be understood by ordinary people. This would negate the need for all parties to hire their own expensive advisors. Or, to put it another way, this week’s big issue ought to be about clear communicat­ion. Somehow, the emphasis seems to be the very opposite of that. Go beyond that and you’ll find a chance to reach a real, lasting, valuable understand­ing.


Discover more of Jonathan at, where you can find daily forecasts, in-depth analysis, and you can join his amazing 5-Star service.

GEMINI May 22-June 22

Don’t say a word. Compose a speech if you must, but let it go no further than the front of your mind. Disconnect the inner device that directs what you want to say towards your tongue. It’s not that there’s some danger attached to the making of a statement. It’s just that, if you keep quiet a little longer, you’ll see the change you want or the result you yearn for, without you needing to breathe so much as a syllable. That way, you can accept it without feeling that you have forced it. A little patience is all you need this week.


Discover more of Jonathan at, where you can find daily forecasts, in-depth analysis, and you can join his amazing 5-Star service.

CANCER June 23-July 23

The legendary Zeus once disguised himself as a swan to seduce Leda, the Queen of Sparta. This, so the fables tell us, is how Helen of Troy was conceived. Presumably, Leda liked the look of Zeus in that graceful, elegant, form. But then there is a lot to be said for holding your head high and maintainin­g a dignified silence. Indeed, it is often the case that the less we say, the more people imagine that, if we were to speak, we’d be in perfect sympathy with them! This week, you can glide quietly towards all you need!


Discover more of Jonathan at, where you can find daily forecasts, in-depth analysis, and you can join his amazing 5-Star service.

LEO July 24-August 23

You know how sometimes we will cross the road rather than have to catch the eye of someone we don’t like talking to? What if, in making that detour, we end up being on the wrong side of the street? Thus, we miss someone else who we would very much like to meet. Spontaneou­s changes inspired by a sense of fun often lead to excellent results. When, though, our actions are fed by fear, they rarely lead to anything but a sense of anxiety or resentment.

Don’t run from anything or anyone this week, just walk tall.


Discover more of Jonathan at, where you can find daily forecasts, in-depth analysis, and you can join his amazing 5Star service.

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