Deccan Chronicle

Rest assured


Arich industrial­ist was alarmed to see a fisherman resting on the seashore, smoking. “Why aren’t you out fishing?” inquired the industrial­ist. “Because I’ve caught enough fish for today,” replied the fisherman. “Why don’t you work harder and catch more fish?” asked the industrial­ist. “What for?” queried the fisherman. “To earn more money; then have a motor fixed to your boat; then you can go deeper and catch more fish. Later, with more money, you can buy a yacht or ship,” explained the industrial­ist. “Then what?” asked the fisherman. “Then, you can rest and enjoy life,” said the industrial­ist. “What d’you think I’m doin’ right now?” asked the fisherman.

I’ve just begun a year of sabbatical leave and rest abroad. I have left behind a routine that I religiousl­y followed for long years in order to go elsewhere, read, reflect, lecture, learn, meet new people and do different things. It’s great to have Fridays and Sundays, sabbaths and sabbatical­s, holidays and holy-days, rest and relaxation woven into the fabric of life.

The Bible notes that after “God finished the work” of creation, He “rested from all the work he had done” (Genesis 2:2). God really doesn’t require rest. This is, however, the Biblical writer’s way of teaching us that our labour must be punctuated by periods of rest, relaxation and recuperati­on.

There’s that streak of the workaholic in many of us which doesn’t allow us to take “time out”. But it’s vital to do so. Religious traditions realise this. Thus, for Hindus Thursday — Brihaspati­var or Guruvar — is holy time usually dedicated to Vishnu and Brihaspati, the guru of devas. Muslims observe Fridays as holy with the Salat AlJumuah prayer seen as especially effective for worshippin­g Allah; and Christians congregate on Sundays for communitar­ian worship.

Jesus urges us to desist from anxious striving and from tensions of tomorrow.

When Jesus’ disciples narrated all that they’d accomplish­ed, he said: “Come away by yourselves to a lonely place, and rest awhile” (Mark 6:30-31). To the overburden­ed, Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Sabbaths and sabbatical­s help us to look back with gratitude and journey forward with hope.

They put brakes on our spirit of acquisitiv­eness and help us to surrender to God. “Rest in the Lord,” says the Psalmist (37:7). Ultimately, in God alone will we find perfect rest. Francis Gonsalves is a

professor of theology

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