Deccan Chronicle

Centre set to dissolve AP Assembly

To overcome its snafu, Centre asks Governor for report


In a bid to tide over the constituti­onal crisis over President’s Rule in Andhra Pradesh, the Union home ministry has asked Governor E.S.L. Narasimhan for a fresh report on the formation of a government in the state, failing which the Assembly can be dissolved.

The ministry of home affairs will approach the Union Cabinet for dissolutio­n of the Andhra Pradesh Assembly and reimpositi­on of President’s Rule once it gets the Governor’s report.

The report was sought as President’s Rule in the state lapses on April 30 for lack of Parliament­ary approval.

The Constituti­on requires Parliament to approve any proclamati­on of President’s Rule within two months. President Pranab Mukherjee had issued the order on March 1, so it needs to be ratified by April 30.

Top MHA officials said that the state Assembly can be dissolved and President’s rule reimposed which will give the Central government a breather of two months by which time the new Lok Sabha will be constitute­d to ratify President’s Rule.

“The Governor will explore the possibilit­y of government formation which seems bleak at the moment. If none of the par- ties is in a position to form government, the Assembly can be dissolved,” a government official said.

The Governor had recently written to President Mukherjee highlighti­ng the issue and asked the Centre to take a view on the continuati­on of the proclamati­on of President’s Rule in the state beyond April 30.

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