Deccan Chronicle

‘Clean politics’ hits state roadblock


Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s move to ensure “clean politics” has hit a roadblock with states dragging their feet on identifyin­g and fast tracking disposal of criminal cases against sitting MPs and MLAs.

The Union Home Ministry is set to flag the issue with state government­s once again asking them to identify MPs and MLAs facing criminal charges and dispose of their cases in fast track courts.

The law ministry had last year written to the Chief Justices of all high courts asking them to expedite cases against sitting MLAs and MPs. The government’s move came after a Supreme Court order of March 10, 2014 which said trial in cases against national and state lawmakers must be completed within a year.

Soon after taking charge, Mr Modi had expressed resolve to rid Parliament of tainted MPs. After the PM’s call, the MHA had sent advisory to states to identify and fast-track the cases and also sought an action taken report within thirty days.

“The ministry has not got detailed reports from states on the action taken in the matter. Some states have not sent the status reports despite sending reminders. The ministry will write to them again ,” a top government official said.

The home ministry also asked the states to name special public prosecutor­s for cases against the elected representa­tives and hold trials on a daily basis.

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