Deccan Chronicle

Transform weaknesses into strengths


Manasi, I will complete my MBA this year. However, it seems nothing is going well in my life. I am not successful in any work work I start. I would like to know how my career would be and when will I get the job in the field I


QName withheld on

request DOB: 14. 01.1992 Dear friend, Your Soul Path number is 9. The number 9 is a wise number and lends you the serenity of the hermit. This implies that you allow yourself some alone time and mystically your answers will become clear to you. The year 2015 carries the energies of the number 5. This is a year of academics and the counsel is to stick to the traditiona­l advice given by seniors or teachers in your chosen field. Your Career Runecast reveals that you have been working hard says Ehwaz. However, a reversed Uruz affirms that low energy or poor health could be interferin­g with the self-esteem needed to get the job done. In the current scenario, a reversed Kaino says that you are still unaware of oppor- tunities suited to you, so connect with your institutio­n and teachers for advice on this matter. Your future opportunit­ies are affected by Perthro which advises that the opportunit­y that is best suited to you is yet to arrive as you become crystal clear. A reversed Teiwaz affirms that your lack of real passion could be the cause behind things. So the runes advise you to learn more about your strengths and weaknesses and transform your weaknesses into your strength. Your family and friends support you through this journey. Once you can decipher what your true gifts are and what is your true life path, your victory is assured. The writer is a runes expert, a clinical hypnothera­pist and HYL workshop leader. Send queries with DOB at


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