Deccan Chronicle

Which pop culture character are you?

Last week, we got the ladies to check out which popular TV character they were. This week, we’re throwing the floor open for the men. So guys, pick up your pencils, take this quiz and find out which TV personalit­y you’re most like — and what that says abo


partner. What? She needs comforting too! You’re among the two candidates who’re next in line for the top spot at work. The board has asked you to give your opinion on the other candidate, as a peer. You… A. Give your honest opinion on his/her admittedly superb abilities and provide a balanced analysis on how he/she might perform as a leader — even if that glowing referral is detrimenta­l to your own interests. B. Brush aside the idea that anyone could be better than you. Spend a full half hour extolling your own benefits. Maybe squeeze in a grudging good word for the opposition at the very end. C. Firmly say you don’t want the top spot. It was okay as long as you were in charge of the product line. Now they want you to deal with people? And engage in politics and power play? No way. It would only suck up valuable time you’d rather spend developing products. D. Sabotage the other candi-

Game of Well, the good news is: You have hidden depths. The bad news is, you’re quite the narcissist. Blessed with the kind of good looks and charm that you are, you’ve found that getting what you want is a little too easy — be it women or success. And that hasn’t done your personalit­y any good. Where other men have failed, struggled — and learned, you’ve coasted by on the strength of your considerab­le gifts and have never developed essential qualities like sensitivit­y or modesty instead. No one likes a stud. Here’s some more good news: You can change. You’re smart enough to know when you’re being insufferab­le and we’d suggest that you act on that knowledge, immediatel­y. Like your pop persona, what can’t be denied, is that you have considerab­le gifts, gifts that you can put to good use. Look beyond the mirror, there’s more to see than your reflection. date’s chances of getting the top spot by letting the board know about some salacious “gossip” that only you have access to. You’ve recently come into some money when a family member in dire need asks you for a loan. You… A. Give them the amount they desire and try to help out in whatever way you can. In fact, you even waive off the idea of their returning said amount to you. B. Wonder how other people

even get into all these prob- lems? If only everyone managed their affairs as well as you, they wouldn’t get into trouble. You lend the money on the assurance that it will be returned. C. What money? I inherited money? Sorry, I’ve been too busy building my own roomcoolin­g system from scratch to care about these things, You can have what you need. D. Pretend you never heard the request. Then laugh about the person’s misfortune­s with a few friends.

>>Check your score...

The Big Bang Mostly Cs: Leonard Hofstadter from Theory We’re saying Leonard, but you’re fairly interchang­eable with any of the other BBT guys you know? On second thought, may be not Sheldon. Or Howard. Or Raj, come to think of it. But you get what we’re saying, right? You’re a geek — through and through. You wake up to news from at least five different tech sites streaming on your tablet. You understand gizmos and gadgets better than you do other human beings and your dreams are all about coming up with an equation that can rival E=mc2 (sorry, that’s the only recognisab­le equation our non-geeky brains could come up with!). But in a world that prizes the ability to adapt to (and excel at) new forms of technology, you’re ideally placed to be the new kind of triumphant knight who can conquer it all, including the fair damsel — if you can bring yourself to stop playing that game of Dungeons and Dragons that is. Mostly Ds: Charlie Harper from Half Men Hmm, Charlie Sheen’s character in Two and a Half Men (Charlie Harper) shares more than a first name with the actor: They share a lot of personalit­y attributes as well, of the pretty unpleasant sort. Charlie Harper is a pretty misogynist­ic guy, and he only wants women for what he can get out of them — and the only other thing he does seem to want a lot, is beer. Don’t be that guy. That guy’s a boor, who’s enjoying more than his fair share of women and beer for the time being — but headed for b e ing replaced by Ash ton Kutcher in his future nonetheles­s.

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