Deccan Chronicle

Cross your fingers to reduce pain


Next time you hit your finger with an ill-judged strike of the hammer, cross your fingers, scientists suggest.

A study has found that crossing the fingers can confuse the way the brain processes feelings of hot, cold and pain — in some cases reducing painful sensations, reports

Scientists believe the phenomenon could ultimately be harnessed to help treat chronic pain patients, who suffer from painful sensations, often long after a physical injury has healed.

Professor Patrick Haggard, the study’s senior author at University College London, said: “Our research raises the interestin­g possibilit­y that pain levels could be manipulate­d by moving one part of the body relative to others.” Rather than subjecting their experiment­al participan­ts to convention­al pain, the authors used a trick known as the thermal grill illusion to create a phantom pain sensation. The illusion works by applying a warm sensation to the index and ring fingers and a cold sensation to the middle finger.

In the experiment, researcher­s used thermal pads strapped to the fingers, although the same result can be achieved by dipping fingers in two mugs of water. The grill-like pattern of hot-cold-hot is known to create a burning sensation in the middle finger — similar to that evoked when warm water is poured on feet that are numb with cold. About half of people go as far as describing the feeling as painful. The illusion works because the hot sensation in the outer two fingers blocks the activity in a certain cooling receptor under the skin and this “inhibition” spills out to the surroundin­g area of the hand.

Activity in the cooling receptors in turn normally blocks the activity of pain receptors that are sensitive to extreme cold. As a result only mild cold is now needed to produce a painful burning sensation in the middle finger, hence the illusion.

“It’s like two minuses making a plus,” said Elisa Ferrè of UCL and a co-author, reports the website. “This is certainly painful, but doesn’t actually involve any tissue damage,” added Angela Marotta, also of the university.

Professor Giandomeni­co Iannetti, a pain specialist at UCL who was not involved in the work, said that just as optical illusions can be designed to trick the brain, scientists are learning that the same can be true for painful stimulus.

“Perception­s are constructe­d in the brain with the objective of selecting the most useful features in the world around us,” he said. “This is why sometimes perception­s do not accurately reflect the sensory input. Pain is a perception often only loosely related to the actual noxious sensory input.” Source:

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