Deccan Chronicle



Atranslati­on of Mohan Rakesh’s play, Ashadh ka Ek Din, on the life of mahakavi Kalidasa, from the Hindi original written in 1954, reacquaint­s readers, old and new, with a major post-Independen­ce literary work. At its heart a love story of Kalidasa, a revolution­ary poet of his time, and Mallika, his muse, the play documents the eternal dilemma of an artist’s life — the choice between inspiratio­n and recognitio­n. Mohan Rakesh’s play was appreciate­d for its choice of protagonis­t to critique Indian life post-Independen­ce.

 ??  ?? One Day in the Season of Rain by Mohan
Rakesh Translated by Aparna and
Vinay Dharwadker Penguin, 499
One Day in the Season of Rain by Mohan Rakesh Translated by Aparna and Vinay Dharwadker Penguin, 499

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