Deccan Chronicle

An arranged marriage that clicked

Narendra Surana and Sunita’s 33-year-old marriage is what most couples dream of


Industrial­ist Narendra Surana and Sunita had an arranged marriage 33 years ago, but by their chemistry one can see that it was a match destined by the stars.

It all started on April 1982. “Our meeting was arranged by my aunt who lives in Pune. My entire family came with me to see her. The same evening we went out for a cup of coffee. Yes, it was love at first sight; we decided at that moment itself that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, but we needed some time to convey it to our parents,” recalls Narendra.

“The very next day our families planned an outing to Mahabalesh­war. And to my shock and surprise, Sunita’s parents said that until I said yes for the marriage, Sunita wouldn’t come for the holiday. I agreed and we went for a long drive to Mahabalesh­war. Spending time together, in those days, before marriage was in itself is very exciting,” he adds.

The couple got married on January 2, 1983. It was a grand affair as most Marwari weddings are. “Getting married at the Pune Trust Club was a big affair, because they very rarely allow people to host weddings or any event there. The baraat, instead of one day, stayed over for two days. And they were also taken to Mahabalesh­war for an overnight stay,” he says.

Sunita adds, “On the wedding day I was wearing a typical Rajasthani attire. There were no designer collection­s those days. The saat pheras were the most memorable for me.”

The couple says that every small gesture matters a lot.

“Even after 33 years, when he is travelling he calls and asks if I want to travel with him. If it’s drizzling, he asks me to me to join him for a cup of coffee in his office despite his hectic schedule,” explains Sunita.

About the best part of being married, Sunita says, “We are very different people, naturewise, but we complement each other. Whatever he is lacking in, I make up for that and the same goes with him.”

Narendra adds, “I love her attitude towards life and the way she takes care of me and the chil- dren. We love to spend time together and make it a point to go on a vacation every three to six months. I don’t mind extending my business trips for 11 or 12 days when I am with my family.” The couple has three children — Vinita, Manish and Shresha. “Narendra is not only a loving husband but also a doting father. “He always encourages the children to do whatever they want to do.

It’s because of his encouragem­ent that the kids have excelled in their education,” says Sunita.

I LOVE HER attitude towards life and the way she takes care of me and the children.

— NARENDRA SURANA WHEN I WAS expecting my first child, he came to drop me in Pune and stayed with us for a few days. Back then, there were no flights from Hyderabad to Pune. So we travelled by train. When he was returning, I went to the station to see him off. But we couldn’t digest the idea of being separated even for a few weeks. Instead of staying back for my delivery, I came back with Narendra without my luggage. Even now my relatives tease me about this.


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