Deccan Chronicle

Nikhil’s kin files plea with SHRC

NIKHIL'S FATHER demanded a compensati­on of Rs 1 crore, cancellati­on of the licence of the doctor who operated on his son and booking of criminal cases against Global Hospital. The BJP is also a party in the complaint filed with the State Human Rights pane


Limb lengthenin­g patient Nikhil Reddy’s father Govardhan Reddy has filed a complaint against Global Hospital with the State Human Rights Commission on Wednesday.

In the complaint he demanded a compensati­on of `1 crore, cancellati­on of the licence of the doctor who operated on his son and booking of criminal cases against Global Hospital. The BJP is also a party to the complaint.

Twenty- t hree- year- ol d Nikhil Reddy underwent height reconstruc­tion and limb strengthen­ing surgery on April 5.

The surgery was carried out as he wanted to increase his height by 0.3 inches. He was 5’7” inches tall. He didn't inform his family and one of his friends gave consent for the surgery. Nikhil’s family raised a hue and cry after they came to know about the surgery. Nikhil Reddy’s height increased by 0.1 inch, but on June 6 the procedure was stopped as they didn't want any more increase in height.

Mr Govardhan Reddy said, “There is no increase in height. It was a false claim by the doctor. We now want the doctor to complete the rehabilita­tion process free of cost. For us taking him to hospital and back home is a costly task. At least three people are required to move him out from bed and then get him down. We want the doctor and his team to come to our home and treat him.”

After locking the height reconstruc­tion system, the rehabilita­tion will take time but the parents have demanded that the postoperat­ive care must be carried out free of cost. Nikhil lost his job in the software company where he was working as he has not been able to report for work.

Nikhil’s farmer father who suffered heavy losses in agricultur­e due to weather problems said that Nikhil’s surgery and his loss of ability to work have added to their woes.

Dr Chandra Bhushan who did the surgery said that it was done properly with the consent of the patient.

Dr Bhushan has also submitted all documents regarding the surgery to the Telangana Medical Council when he was summoned for an explanatio­n in May.

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