Deccan Chronicle

I knew Nayeem, admits TD MLA


LB Nagar Telugu Desam MLA and BC leader R. Krishnaiah on Friday admitted that he knew slain gangster Nayeem since 30 years. However, he emphasised that he was never involved in any financial dealing, settlement­s, land grabbing or other illegal activities with Nayeem.

Mr Krishnaiah’s ‘confession’ came amidst reports that the SIT probing the case is likely to serve notices to a former minister, two legislator­s, including one from the Opposition, in the next couple of days for links with Nayeem.

Accusing the TS government of a political witchhunt following his refusal to join the TRS, Mr Krishnaiah, who is the first MLA to admit knowing the gangster, claimed that Nayeem wanted an “honest and able BC leader like him to become the Chief Minister.”

“I am ready to face any inquiry. Let there be a probe by CBI or sitting High Court judge or a group of respected citizens including scribes. I don’t have an iota of illegal dealings with Nayeem. If it is proved, I will resign as MLA, take political sanyas and accept any punishment,” he told DC.

Mr Krishnaiah disclosed that Nayeem wanted to surrender in the presence of a group of leaders, including himself.

“Nayeem told me two months before his encounter that there was a threat to his life and he wanted to surrender. He sought my help and of other leaders. I welcomed it. I was against his criminal activities. Nayeem had a high regard for me because I am an honest BC and political leader,” he said.

To a question, the MLA said he personally met Nayeem at a function eight or nine years ago but spoke to him on phone. “I am a political leader and many people call me up. What’s wrong? Nayeem cannot make me CM. People have to do it,” he said.

Asked if he justified Nayeem encounter killing, he replied in the affirmativ­e. “I certainly justify police action. But there should be thorough inquiry and all the guilty should be punished,” the MLA said.

He said he met Nayeem in 1986/87 in the Osmania University campus when was chairman of a JAC of students’ organisati­ons and Nayeem was a radical student leader from Bhongir.

“Initially, he was committed to Maoist and radical ideology, but later drifted and became a gangster. Four or five of his victims came to me when he threatened them. I spoke to him and cautioned him. He did call me up a couple of times. He called me Anna garu,” he explained.

The MLA added, “I condemned his killing Patlolla Govardhan Reddy and Samabashiv­udu. In both cases, he said he was forced to do it since they planned to bump him off.”

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