Deccan Chronicle

Communal clash leaves 3 dead in UP


Three persons were killed and 12 injured in Bijnore district on Friday when an eve-teasing incident took a communal colour and led to violent clashes.

Six people have been arrested in connection with the incident.

The deceased persons are aged between 27 and 30 and five of those seriously injured have been shifted to Meerut for advanced treatment.

Trouble began in Paeda locality when a girl was allegedly harassed by some youth belonging to a different community while she was on her way to school on Friday morning.

A passerby objected to this act but he was beaten up by the accused, police said. He then told some persons about the incident and soon a clash started, police said. There were reports of arson also.

According to the Circle Officer of the Bijnore City police station, when the members of the minority community protested they were fired at by the other group members which further led to stabbing and stone-pelting.

One person died on the spot and two others succumbed to the bullet injuries in the hospital. ADG (Law and Order) Daljit Chaudhary has airdashed to Bijnore to take stock of the situation while the DGP Javeed Ahmad is closely monitoring the situation. Heavy police force has been deployed in the area in view of the incident.

A local police official said that some days ago, there was a communal clash between the Muslim and Jat groups over irrigation of fields and this has been clubbed with the eve teasing incident.

Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akhilesh Yadav has announced a compensati­on of `20 lakh each to the kin of the deceased and `5 lakh each to those injured.

The Chief Minister has asked the district officials to ensure free treatment is given to the injured and make sure that law and order is maintained in the area.

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