Deccan Chronicle

Why not send jihadis to Syria?

- Farrukh Dhondy Cabbages & Kings

“Sometimes parts can stand in for the whole Think of the universal Shivlingam When I think for whom the bells toll I don’t think of Hemingway or Donne or death I think of the quasihunch­backs who ring ‘em” From The Boogoo Fables by Bachchoo

British law has finally caught up with hate preacher Anjem Choudary. He has been jailed for five and a half years and he will, say the prison authoritie­s, be kept in virtual isolation so as not to pervert other prisoners with his radical Islamist doctrine.

Anjem, a lawyer, who didn’t trade in the law but lived off the British taxpayer for the last 10 years by receiving welfare benefits, was jailed for supporting the Death Cult which calls itself ISIS and materially assisting British citizens to journey to Syria and join what he calls the jihad.

Anjem will now, for the next few years, still be living off the British taxpayer in one of Her Majesty’s punitive facilities at a much higher rate per week than when he and his family were living off welfare benefits. His family will, of course, as is only just, continue to draw social security and mortgage payments — as they and everyone in Britain is entitled to when they are out of work. Anjem himself, with his unerring sense of humour, mischief and loyalty to his cause, renamed it “jihadseeke­rs allowance”.

Now he is receiving what may be called jailseeker­s allowance. However, keeping Anjem in a secure prison for five-and-a-half years will cost the British taxpayer upwards of a quarter of a million pounds.

Is this money well spent? I think the British government has got itself into a paradoxica­l twist here. It spends a few million pounds a year on various projects called, prevent, prepone and pretend (Okay, I made the last two names up!) dedicated to bringing those influenced by Islamist propaganda or those in contact with Internet advocates of the death cult, back to sanity. The people who run the prevent courses report a varied and mostly disappoint­ing degree of success.

These efforts and schemes are seen by several experts in the field of “de-radicalisa­tion” as too little too late.

Is there not a case for releasing Anjem from prison, equipping him with loudspeake­r systems and soap-boxes, giving him free access to the Internet and Twitter and letting him do what he does avidly?

He will advocate immediate travel to Syria to join the Death Cult. Several radicalise­d jihadis will step forward and volunteer. Does Britain really want to keep them from their life’s mission and thwart their attempts to join the war in West Asia and seek martyrdom and the promised number of virgins or, in the case of women, 72 studs or if they prefer some fancy handbags and maybe designer shoes and niqabs?

If the ambitions of these radicalise­d people are stifled, might they not turn bitter and try a bit of their interpreta­tion of jihad right here by beheading cartoonist­s or old ladies or letting off machine-guns in a mall?

Quite likely, you might think. How much more logical, and finally beneficial to the country, to use the half million being spent on Anjem and his idiot accomplice who was jailed with him for as long for the same offence, to buy the jihadis one-way tickets to Syria? Considerin­g that it may be difficult to land in one or other Syrian city, I have enquired into the cost of one-way flights to Turkey and adjoining countries. A one-way ticket can cost as little as £50 if you choose the right day.

At that rate, Britain can buy 10,000 would-be jihadis a flight to join the Death Cult from the money they are wastefully spending on Anjem and his stooge.

Ah, you ask, what if they want to return and create havoc in Luton or Tower Hamlets? Under internatio­nal law, the country whose passport they hold has to let them in. One of the ways of preventing their return is to get Anjem and his associates is to start a “burn your passport” movement in Syria.

Anjem and a small squad of persuaders could even be deployed at airports to convince the disillusio­ned or terror-trained, revengeful returnees that the “death cult caliphate” is the only way to achieving paradise and that blowing themselves up in a suicide bombing in Oxford Street is not as clear a primrose path.

I am confident Anjem can do this as I have read online the rants of his associated Islamist murder-advocates.

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