Deccan Chronicle

Rosetta ends odyssey, crash-lands on comet


Darmstadt, Germany, Sept. 30: Europe’s pioneering Rosetta spacecraft dramatical­ly concluded its 12-year odyssey on Friday, crash-landing into the comet it orbited and probed for two years in a quest to demystify the Solar System’s origins.

There were tears, hugs and cheers at mission control in Darmstadt, Germany when spacecraft operations manager Sylvain Lodiot announced: “This is the end of the Rosetta mission.”

“Rock-n-roll Rosetta,” added a visibly moved Matt Taylor, project scientist, as he left the podium, holding his head.

Rosetta made a “controlled impact” with Comet 67P/ChuryumovG­erasimenko at 10.41 GMT — the closing chapter in a trailblazi­ng project.

Comets are thought to contain primordial material from our planetary system’s birth, preserved in a dark space deep freeze. Rosetta had been programmed to touch down at a human walking pace of about 90 cm per second, after a 14-hour freefall from an altitude of 19 kms. It joined long-spent robot probe Philae on the galactic wanderer’s rocky, cold surface for an eternal journey around the Sun.

Confirmati­on of the mission’s end came at 11.19 GMT, when the spacecraft’s signal disappeare­d from computer screens.

Mission scientists had expected Rosetta would bounce and tumble about before settling — but the craft’s final moments will forever remain a mystery as it was instructed to switch off on first impact. It was not designed to land. — PTI

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