Deccan Chronicle

Terrorists take the Nepal route

Surgical strikes make ultras change tack


Pakistan-based terror outfits are known to have an active and strong network in Nepal also and this has been a constant source of worry for Indian security agencies.

Following massive mobilisati­on of security forces along the Pakistan LoC in Jammu and Kashmir after surgical strikes, terrorist outfits operating out of PoK are finding it increasing­ly difficult to infiltrate into the Valley and are thus planning to use a new route through Nepal.

Amid intelligen­ce reports to this effect, home minister Rajnath Singh held a high-level meeting with top security officials including Archana Ramasundra­m, chief of Sashastra Seema Bal, the border guarding force for Indo-Nepal border, to review the situation.

Sources said the home minister has directed that additional reinforcem­ents be rushed to the Nepal border for further strengthen­ing the security apparatus there and that SSB should immediatel­y identify the vulnerable points for infiltrati­on and plug these loopholes at the earliest.

Pakistan-based terror outfits are known to have an active and strong network in Nepal also and this has been a constant source of worry for the Indian security agencies. The Indian Airlines flight, IC-814, was hijacked from Kathmandu while the dreaded chief of Indian Mujahideen Yaseen Bhatkal was also picked up with help of the local agencies from a hideout on the outskirts of Kathmandu in 2013.

The home minister has also directed senior officials of the ministry and the SSB to prepare a detailed blueprint on how to seal the Nepal border, it having only designated entry and exit points.

Terror outfits planning a strike in Uttar Pradesh during the ongoing festive season and political events may have some connection this time.

According to Intelligen­ce agencies, there is informatio­n that instead of using explosives, terror groups may resort to rumour-mongering in crowded places and trigger stampedes like the one that took place last week in Varanasi.

“We have definite informatio­n that this could be the latest modus operandi of terror outfits. In Varanasi, eye witnesses claim that a rumour of the bridge cracking up led to the stampede. This kind of rumours trigger panic in crowded areas and many lives are lost without even firing a bullet,” said a senior official in an Intelligen­ce unit.

Intelligen­ce agencies are now sharing the informatio­n with the policing agencies and efforts are being made to

Following massive mobilisati­on of security forces along the Pakistan border in J&K after the surgical strikes, militant outfits operating out of PoK are finding it increasing­ly difficult to infiltrate into the Valley and are thus planning to shift to a new route through Nepal.

As of now, the Nepal border is seen to be ensure crowd management in political meetings, weekly markets and local fairs that attract huge crowds.

“Diwali markets, Chhat Puja, Dev Deepawali in Varanasi and the ongoing Dewa fair are events where people come in thousands and even slightest provocatio­n can extremely porous thus causing security concern among the home ministry.

The Centre has already decided to seal the Indo-Pak border in western and northern sectors by end 2018.

All state police and NSG have already been put on alert by the home ministry amid Intelligen­ce reports that Pak terror groups could retaliate in response to the surgical strikes. lead to an ugly situation”, the official said.

Police officials have suggested barricadin­g and separate entry and exit points but making people follow the rules strictly is a Herculean task, especially during the festival season.

Intelligen­ce sources said that according to their informatio­n, some of the rumours that could be used to trigger a stampede have been identified.

“Spread of false informatio­n of a terror attack in another part of the city, caving in of steps on the ghats, sudden rise in water level, major fire caused by explosion or a bomb attack on a monument could create panic movement among the public,” the official said.

He further said that the local police had been asked to set up public address system in all such crowded places and keep a close eye on public movement. In the event of any panic movement, the public address system should be used to convince the people that all is well.

Another input received by Intelligen­ce agency is that terrorists could cut off fuel pipes of vehicles parked in parking lot, thereby allowing fuel to flow out freely. Even a small lighted matchstick can then trigger a major explosion in the area.

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