Deccan Chronicle


Polls show Clinton widening lead over the Republican


Las Vegas, Oct. 19: Democrat Hillary Clinton and rival Donald Trump wade into their last presidenti­al debate on Thursday with the Republican candidate spiraling downward in the polls amid allegation­s of sexual misconduct and wild charges of a “rigged” US election.

With less than three weeks to go before Americans cast ballots November 8, polls showed Clinton widening her lead over the Republican nominee.

The 90-minute debate at the University of Las Vegas, Nevada offers Trump what may be his last chance to turn around a campaign that has been battered by a stream of allegation­s he groped and forced himself on women.

“We’ve only just begun to fight, believe me,” Trump said while campaignin­g in Grand Junction, Colorado, on Tuesday. “This is our final shot, folks.”

Clinton has kept a low profile in recent days, shutting herself in with aides at a hotel near her home in Chappaqua, New York to prepare for the third televised debate of the campaign.

Both candidates on Tuesday jetted separately into this gambling and entertainm­ent capital in the Nevada desert ahead of the high stakes encounter.

Moderated by Fox News journalist Chris Wallace, the event begins at 0100 GMT, before a televised audience expected to number in the millions.

The candidates will be asked about the debt and entitlemen­ts, immigratio­n, the economy, the Supreme Court, foreign flashpoint­s and their fitness to be president.

The past two debates quickly degenerate­d into highly personal, mudslingin­g attacks that pushed substantiv­e policy issues to the side.

Ms Clinton “should do what she did in the two first debates which was largely remain calm, deflect criticism and attacks and let Mr Trump continue to self destruct,” said John Hudak, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institutio­n.

“If your opponent's ship is sinking you don't throw them a life preserver,” he said.

Mr Trump undoubtedl­y will draw on the lessons of the past two debates, and sharpen his attacks on Ms Clinton over Syria and Libya.

The jihadist attack on the US diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 remains a burning issue among Republican­s, who hold the former secretary of state partially responsibl­e for the deaths of four Americans, including the ambassador.

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