Deccan Chronicle

Thirteen-year-old Aradhana Samdariya died after fasting for 68 days. Should the parents have been more responsibl­e?



It is a barbaric act when a child is killed in the name of religious belief. If Aradhana had lived, she might have become a teacher, doctor or engineer and served her country. One gets moksha by serving the country and its people! There is no life after death. — Nandadeep Gokul


The incident of Aradhana Samdariya must open the eyes of all parents who preach/support religious practices without having common sense. Religion is a necessary evil. But when parents preach religious practices such as fasting, first of all, the health of the concerned person should be assessed. How can a human being concentrat­e on God when his health does not allow him/her to think about God?

The root cause lies in the misinterpr­etation of religious doctrines and misunderst­anding the physical and mental state of human beings. No mature religious guru would ask their practition­ers to follow religious rules, compromisi­ng their physical health. It is not the law which has to be looked at in such cases. It is the common sense of the religious preachers which has to be changed, to avoid a repeat incident. — K.V. Ratnakar


Not to blame anyone, but in light of Aradhana’s death, the religious leaders can do two things now. Firstly, not allow minors to take up fasting. Secondly, insist on compulsory medical checkup of the persons fasting, and stop fasting on doctor’s advice. — G.V.N. Murthy

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