Deccan Chronicle

Doubt over Trump’s praise for Sharif

Pakistan says US Prez-elect termed Sharif as ‘terrific’


Islamabad/Washingto n, Dec. 1: Did US President-elect Donald Trump actually shower those glowing comments on Pakistan and its Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during their telephone conversati­on? While Sharif’s office has released a read-out of his conversati­on with Trump, the US presidente­lect’s team has issued bare minimum informatio­n, triggering much bemusement both in mainstream and social media.

Donald Trump lavished praise on Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif and offered to play “any role” in helping Pakistan address its problems, a Pakistani statement said.

“You have a very good reputation. You are a terrific guy,” Trump had said praising Sharif.

“We know that Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and US President-elect Donald Trump spoke on the phone Wednesday. What was said during that call is what’s at issue,” CNN commented.

“After the conversati­on, the Pakistan Prime Minister’s Office put out a statement directly quoting Trump — a violation of diplomatic protocol — in which he glowingly praised Sharif,” the network said.

Readouts of phone calls between world leaders are usually written safely way in order to protect leaders from incidental backlash — like the one the Trump team put out, it said.

“They’re dry and diplomatic statements summing up conversati­ons using carefully chosen buzzwords,” it said, adding that such calls themselves are usually quite formal.

“A President wouldn’t gush over a foreign leader the way that Donald Trump did. He wouldn’t volunteer to do all these things,” says CNN political analyst David Gergen said.

“Our relationsh­ip with Pakistan is one of the most sensitive and difficult relationsh­ips in the world. It’s an extremely important relationsh­ip.”

“You’d carefully think through any call like that, you’d make your two or three points, [then] over and out,” he said. “Especially don’t leave them in a position where they could put out something so gushing that it hurts your relationsh­ip with India.”

 ?? AFP ?? Protestors march against Donald Trump advisers including Steve Bannon, chief strategist and senior counselor, at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in Cambridge, on Thursday. —
AFP Protestors march against Donald Trump advisers including Steve Bannon, chief strategist and senior counselor, at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in Cambridge, on Thursday. —

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