Deccan Chronicle



Randy K. Milholland, a web comic author, wrote, “Friendship is being there when someone’s feeling low and not being afraid to kick them.”

I hope that Milholland picks the right friend to kick; for some, that would be a bad idea. The psychology of the individual is an interestin­g subject.

North knew not to say anything at the end of this deal. What should South have done in four spades after West led the club ace?

North’s three-club rebid was a double negative, showing some 0-4 points. Three hearts, a new suit, was forcing for one round. South could have passed out three spades but could see 10 potential winners in his own hand: seven spades and three hearts.

This deal would trip up almost everyone — and to be honest, 90.4 percent of the time the spades will not be 4-0.

The original declarer ruffed the club ace, cashed his spade ace, then took his two top hearts and led another heart. However, West ruffed in and shifted to a diamond. East won with his ace and returned a heart. West ruffed that as well, then cashed the diamond king for down one.

Later, North pointed out that it was right to discard a diamond at trick one. (Yes, at double dummy, South could have survived by leading a diamond at trick three, but if hearts were 4-3 and West had only two diamonds, that would not have worked.) Assuming West continues with the club king, South pitches his other diamond. Then East can never get on lead for a trump promotion. Copyright United Feature Syndicate (Asia Features)

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