Deccan Chronicle



Islamabad, Dec. 3: The US House of Representa­tives has passed a defence bill that pledges $900 million in economic and other assistance to Pakistan, a significan­t portion of which is dependent on a Pentagon certificat­ion that the country is taking demonstrab­le steps against the dreaded Haqqani Network.

The US National Defence Authorisat­ion Act for fiscal year 2017 was passed in the House of Representa­tives on Friday. The bill limits the overall amount available for reimbursem­ent to $1.1 billion, of which $900 million is available for reimbursem­ent to Pakistan.

It extends Congressio­nal notificati­on and certificat­ion requiremen­ts regarding reimbursem­ents to Pakistan. The bill specifies that certain reimbursem­ents to Pakistan are ineligible for a national security waiver unless Department of Defense makes specified certificat­ions regarding the activities of Pakistan with respect to the Haqqani Network.

According to Dawn, the bill conditions $450 million from this assistance to a certificat­ion.

This year the amount was $300 million, which was not released after Defence Secretary Ashton Carter refused to certify in Pakistan’s favour.

The bill is schedule for a vote in the Senate next week. Since it is a consensus bill, it is unlikely to face any opposition.

The bill notes that US and Pakistan continue to have many critical shared interests.

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