Deccan Chronicle





As we move towards the annual Sun-Saturn conjunctio­n, the movements of Mars are worth highlighti­ng. The fiery planet of desire travels between the restrained, steady influence of Saturn, and the unexpected, unruly intentions of Uranus, highlighti­ng their ‘behind-the-scenes’ relationsh­ip. With Mars in Aquarius, we’ve seen passions invested in causes, and partisan perspectiv­es. This week, with Venus about to enter the same part of the zodiac, a sense of harmony may finally be restored.

ARIES March 21-April 20

In the old cartoons, characters were forever chasing their foe across dangerous territory. Sooner or later, they’d reach the edge of a cliff, and both hero and villain would find themselves running in mid-air. Invariably, they’d maintain their momentum until one or both stopped to notice the predicamen­t they were in. Then they’d immediatel­y plunge to the ground! The moral of the story is that you need to keep on running this week. It’s only if you stop and start worrying that you’ll find something to worry about.


Somewhere in your emotional life now, a dilemma is arising. You need to decide. Now is the time to trust your intuition.

TAURUS April 21-May 21

Some people would rather be thought of as uncaring than be considered a fool. No one wants to be known as an easy target or a ‘soft touch’. Yet, when a ship is in distress they put out a call. Of course there’s a chance that pirates may home in on their signal. But, when you’re on the high seas and you want to be rescued, it’s a risk you have to take. When you reveal your heart, you take a risk too. This week, though, you shouldn’t fear showing your vulnerable side. If you send out the right signals, there’s support to be found.


There has been a big misunderst­anding. Now — if you listen carefully to what is being said — there’s a chance to clear it up.

GEMINI May 22-June 22

Imagine feeling cross with yourself for being too tall or too short. It’s not a healthy attitude. If you feel that you’re not clever enough, you can always do some mental exercises. If you suspect that you need to be more emotionall­y receptive, you can work on your feelings. Similarly, there are many aspects of your physical form over which you can exert some influence if you try. As the Sun links to Jupiter this week, rather than look at what may be wrong with you, consider what you have to be proud of. There’s plenty.


There’s a lot of hot air about. Fine, if you want to get carried away. If not, keep your mind ventilated with the wind of reason.

CANCER June 23-July 23

We’re told that if we just ‘put our heads down’ and work hard, life will turn out fine. That if we apply ourselves, soon enough we’ll achieve our dreams. Of course, it’s not quite that simple. Sometimes it feels that no matter how much effort you put in, life continues in the same old way, and that progress is slow and unremarkab­le. Look carefully, this week and you can grease the wheels of change. You can uncover a secret that waters the seeds of success. Find it, and see blooms appearing in the most unexpected places.


You don't have to do a deal. If someone is putting you under pressure, it is because it suits their purposes, not yours.

LEO July 24-August 23

They tell us that love makes the world go around. It is, they say, the driving force behind all of nature. It’s easy to see that in a blossoming flower or a babbling brook, but how about a hurricane? Is an eruption of wild weather also a manifestat­ion of the ultimately benign nature of the universe?

You find yourself, this week, dealing with factors that seem to make little sense. Some may seem deeply unfair. But, as Venus moves into your opposite sign, you still have the option to be motivated by love and kindness.


You have been doubting yourself. But peace is coming. Current misgivings are the last you will face for some while.

VIRGO August 24-September 23

Sometimes, we need to share more than we’d like to in order to get something. When we want someone to open up to us, it often helps if we reveal an inner truth. It’s a transactio­n, a give and take that forms the foundation on which relationsh­ips are built. This week, communicat­ing with some of the people close to you could be a source of frustratio­n. Instead of focusing on difference­s, it may be time to search for surprising similariti­es. Find the common ground and you can re-energise your relationsh­ips.


You can achieve anything you set your mind to. Just be sure that what you think you want is what you really need.

LIBRA September 24-October 23

We’re all psychologi­cally predispose­d towards acts of appeasemen­t and conciliati­on. We can’t help but want things to be OK for one another, and to keep sources of potential conflict well at bay. To go against this almost primeval instinct, we must have a very good reason. Or a bad one, involving lots of anger and resentment. But even if you now fear that such energies are being directed towards you, you don’t deserve them and you need not return them. As your ruler moves signs this week, act impeccably and all will be well.


Have you taken a step too far? No. Trust your inner feelings that everything in your love life is going to be perfectly fine.

SCORPIO October 24-November 22

We all know people who ask difficult questions. It’s when someone keeps chipping away at the foundation­s of who we are, that we begin to feel insecure. When we start to doubt ourselves, it’s tempting to retreat. Or stir up matters elsewhere as a distractio­n. Though you might find yourself under the spotlight this week, there’s no reason to be fearful of any tricky questions. The cosmos is giving you the energy to take any challenge head on, and perform at your best. Come out of the shadows, and bathe in the celestial sunshine.


Head versus heart! Heads are loud; hearts whisper. But hearts speak the truth, and seek peace. Listen to your heart now.

SAGITTARIU­S November 23-December 21

As the Sun, in your sign, moves towards a conjunctio­n with Saturn, you’re about to emerge from a cavalcade of chaos. You’ve been swamped by silly suggestion­s and strange situations. Don’t feel, for a moment, that this is your fault. Abandon the idea that everything in your life is supposed to make sense — or that there is any merit in efficiency. Just join in with the great game that’s being played. You can afford to be light-hearted this week, for — no matter what you’re up against — things will work out well in the end.


You can vastly improve your situation. But you first need to free yourself from a compromisi­ng arrangemen­t.

CAPRICORN December 22-January 20

Accruing personal possession­s isn’t always a selfish thing to do. We all need to benefit from life’s pleasures. Only the most pious among us can cope with a life devoid of luxury. This week, take time to indulge yourself. There are ways to be decadent that won’t break the bank. And there are ways to live like royalty that don’t require the subjugatio­n of others. The cosmos suggests that there’s a balance to be struck between personal fulfilment and universal harmony. And the scales are tipping in your favour.


Is someone using you as their ace in the hole — their safety option? It may not be wise to be too forgiving now.

AQUARIUS January 21-February 19

You’ve got what you need. Have you also got what you want? That depends whether you want what you need! One thing’s for sure: you need to want what you need! So, try wanting what you don’t think you really want. If you really need this, initial resistance will turn to appreciati­on. You won’t look at what you’ve got and find it wanting. You’ll begin to understand why you need it, what’s so good about it and why you’re glad you made the effort. With Venus arriving in your sign, your heart will soon be given all it needs.


Are you getting a second chance, back where you were a while ago. Seize the chance to make things better this time.

PISCES February 20-March 20

The best partnershi­ps form a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. As much as I love John Lennon and Paul McCartney’s solo efforts, few would disagree that their best work was created when they worked together. There’s a partnershi­p in your own life that, if you decide to explore, could lead you both to a greater success than your present circumstan­ces suggest. Don’t let yourself be tempted by the idea of taking sole credit, and the accompanyi­ng glory. You’ll find that many hands make light work this week.


You are asking yourself difficult questions. It’s natural. Don’t assume that uncertaint­y means you’re heading the wrong way.

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