Deccan Chronicle

Austria has close shave with far right

Anti-EU hardliner Norbert Hofer loses presidenti­al poll


Vienna, Dec. 4: Austria’s Freedom Party conceded defeat on Sunday in its bid to elect Europe’s first farright president, as projection­s showed its candidate Norbert Hofer lagging behind in a bitterly fought election rerun.

Greens-backed independen­t Alexander Van der Bellen, 72, swept 53.6 per cent of the votes, while the anti-immigratio­n Freedom Party received 46.4 per cent, projection­s showed.

The official result of the marathon presidenti­al election, which lasted nearly a year, is not expected before Monday, but the party conceded defeat within minutes of the poll projection­s being released, shortly after voting ended.

“I would like to take this opportunit­y to congratula­te Mr Van der Bellen,” FPOe chief strategist Herbert Kickl told Austrian media. The outcome deals a crushing blow to Hofer who already narrowly lost to Van der Bellen in a first runoff in May, which was then annulled over ballot counting breaches.

His defeat will also see EU leaders breathe a sigh of relief in the wake of the anti-establishm­ent tide sweeping many countries following Brexit and Donald Trump’s shock election victory in the US.

Smooth-tongued gun enthusiast Hofer had vowed to “get rid of the dusty establishm­ent”, seek closer ties with Russia and fight against “Brussels centralisi­ng power”.

Observers feared that a win for the Austrian far-right could trigger a domino effect with key elections next year in France, Germany and The Netherland­s.

Populist groups across Europe, on the right and the left, have benefited from a growing sense of unease about multicultu­ralism and inequality.

One worrying aspect for EU was that Hofer's rise to power would’ve paved the way for a return to government of his FPOe, founded by exNazis.

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