Deccan Chronicle


Stalin has petitioned that a fresh trust vote should be held with secret ballot


Working president of DMK and the leader of Opposition party, M.K.Stalin, has a filed a petition in the Madras High Court to declare as illegal, the decision taken by the Tamil Nadu state Assembly Speaker on the floor of the Assembly on February 18 on the confidence motion moved by Chief Minister Edappadi K.Palanisami.

In his petition, Stalin also sought a direction to the Assembly Speaker to conduct a fresh floor test on the confidence motion moved by Edappadi Palanisami by holding secret ballot to each of the MLA of the respective legislatur­e parties, who shall be present in the Assembly, without evicting any of them, under the observatio­n of the monitoring committee consists of secretary to Governor, chief secretary and an Election Commission official.

The petition is likely to come up for hearing on February 21.

Narrating the sequence of events including man- handling and eviction of DMK MLAs that happened on February 18, Stalin said the Speaker ought not have to have conducted the floor test on the confi- dence motion moved by Palanisami, with the captured MLAs, without giving them the full freedom to exercise their franchise.

The Speaker ought not to have conducted the voting by forcibly evicting the members of all the Opposition parties. with support of the outside police force, he added. Bengaluru, Feb. 20: AIADMK deputy general secretary T.T.V. Dinakaran on Monday met his aunt and party chief V.K. Sasikala at the central prison here, where she is serving her term in the disproport­ionate assets case. “Yes, Mr Dinakaran came around 4.50 pm and met Sasikala for about half-an-hour in the prison,” said Superin-tendent of Prisons Krishnaiah.

Mr Dinakaran met Sasikala for the first time after her loyalist E.K. Palanisami won the vote of confidence in the Tamil Nadu Assembly on February 18 and was sworn in as the Chief Minister.

Sasikala and co-accused Ellavarasi and her another nephew V N Sudhakaran were lodged in the prison on February 15 after she surrendere­d in the trial court here.

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