Deccan Chronicle

Astronauts can poop in spacesuit

Three win Nasa’s Space Poop Challenge


Washington, Feb. 20: Nasa has awarded $30,000 to three winners for designing new human waste management systems that would let astronauts urinate and defecate inside their spacesuit for up to six days.

The top award of $15,000 for the Space Poop Challenge, went to Thatcher Cardon, a physician from the US, for his design of the MACES Perineal Access and Toileting System. It has two flaps in the crotch area that open out and a small valve through which waste can be expelled from the suit.

Team Space Poop Unificatio­n of Doctors won the second prize of $10,000 for their Air-powered Spacesuit Waste Disposal System.

Hugo Shelley won the $5,000 award for designing SWIMSuit — Zero Gravity Underwear for 6 Day Use, which features a catheter design that can be used in microgravi­ty. .

Spacesuits provide a selfcontai­ned life support system and are worn for launch and entry activities, as well as spacewalks, to protect the crew from the harsh environmen­t of space and any unforeseen circumstan­ces.

As astronauts travel farther into the solar system, explorers may need to remain in their suits for several days.

Currently, astronauts living aboard the Internatio­nal Space Station typically wear a suit for several hours during launch or landing, and the crew can return to Earth in a few hours or less if necessary.

For these occasions, astro- nauts wear a waste collection garment, similar to a diaper, under their spacesuits if they need to relieve themselves. However, the diaper is a temporary solution that does not provide a healthy option to protect astronauts for longer than one day. This challenge sought solutions for fecal, urine, and menstrual management systems for the crew.

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