Deccan Chronicle

Help pours in for body-shamed MP cop


Cops in India may no longer be haunted by the picture of the obese policeman that has been making rounds on the social media questionin­g their fitness.

For, offers have started pouring in from many quarters to help the overweight police inspector of Madhya Pradesh Daulatram Jogawat, who has apparently inspired socialite Shobha Dey to poke fun at Mumbai police, trim his bulged tummy. “Daulatram is ready to undergo bariatric surgery to shed his flab through surgery. We have been flooded with helps from several organisati­ons to bear expenses of treatment. Even, our department was prepared to pay the cost of surgery but an Indore-based beauty-cum-fitness Centre has come forward to do it free of cost,” chief of police welfare wing of MP Syed Mohmmad Afzal told the media here on Saturday.

Director of the Centre named Mohak Bariatric and Robotics Dr Mohint Bhandari who has performed hundreds of weight reduction surgeries said his unit has mobilised a fund of `15 lakh from the Shri Aurobindo Trust for the purpose and the police inspector needed not pay a single pie for a gastric bypass surgery, medically termed stomach-stapling.

“He was undergoing treatment at our hospital,” the doctor said.

The doctor who was flanked by Mr Afzal at the media meet said all necessary medical tests on him have already been completed. The cop was scheduled to be admitted in the hospital on March 7 and the surgery was expected to over by March nine.

Daulatram has started adding weight after his gall bladder surgery in 1993. He now weighed 180 kg. He has been made a mockery in social media for the past three years for his overweight. The latest jibe at him was taken by author Shobha De in her tweet prompting the MP police finally to come to his rescue.

Two days ago, Daulatram had expressed displeasur­e over columnist De’s tweet about his obesity.

“I am hurt with Shobhaa De’s tweet poking fun at me. I have put on weight due to hormonal disorder following my gall bladder operation in 1993,” said inspector Jogewat.

Meanwhile, a staffer of Mumbai-based Centre for Obesity and Digestive Surgery on Saturday met the cop.

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