Deccan Chronicle

YSRC chief booked for ruckus after bus mishap


Criminal cases have been booked against YSRC chief Jagan Mohan Reddy for obstructin­g doctors and police personnel from performing their duties at Nandigama Government Hospital on Tuesday. The Nandigama police registered two separate cases based on two complaints lodged against Jagan on Tuesday.

The hospital superinten­dent, K. V. Lakshmi Kumari, and hospital developmen­t committee chairman Vasireddy Satyanaray­ana, made the first complaint, alleging that Jagan with his party workers obstructed them in dischargin­g their duties on Tuesday. The second complaint was by police officials on duty at the hospital, who also alleged that Jagan stopped them from performing their duties and delayed the handing over the bodies to the next of kin.

The cases have been registered against Jagan and others under sections 353, 506 read with section 34 of the Indian Penal Code in both the complaints.

On Tuesday evening, Jagan demanded a copy of the inquest report. The doctors refused. Jagan snatched some papers from the doctor’s hand. The Krishna district collector Mr Babu A objected to this and Mr Reddy argued with him too.

The hospital panel chairman Vasireddy Satyanaray­ana said that the hospital has complained about the way the group behaved with the doctors and such behaviour is not acceptable.

Others booked include former minister Kolusu Paradasara­di, former MLA, Samineni Udaya Bhanu, Mangunuri Kondareddy, Pasupuleti Srinivasar­ao, Mondithoka Arun Kumar, Tanniru Nageswar Rao, Inturi Chinna, Maganti Abbayi and Kommineni Ravi Sankar.

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