Deccan Chronicle

India: Terror monster devouring Pakistan



Geneva/New Delhi, March 1: Pakistan created terror outfits against India and the “monster” is now devouring its own creator, India’s Ambassador and Permanent Repres-entative to the UN in Geneva said on Wednesday.

Addressing the 34th Session of the Human Rights Council (HRC), Ambassador Ajit Kumar hit out at Pakistan for destabilis­ing the situation in Jammu and Kashmir by promoting infiltrati­on and cross-border terrorism, inciting, promoting and glorifying violence.

Asserting that terrorism is the “grossest violation of human rights”, he said members will recognise the irony of a nation that has establishe­d a wellearned reputation of being a “global epicentre of terrorism holding forth on human rights”.

“Pakistan has created terrorist outfits against India. This monster is now devouring its own creator,” Kumar said, adding that in the last two decades, the most wanted terrorists of the world have found “succour and sustenance” in Pakistan.

The fundamenta­l reason for disturbanc­es in parts of Jammu and Kashmir is cross-border terrorism aided and abetted by Pakistan, he said, noting that for many years now, Islamabad has been carrying out an intense campaign to destabilis­e the situation in Jammu and Kashmir.

Meanwhile, India has asked Pakistan to reinvestig­ate the 2008 Mumbai terror attack case and put on trial Jammat-ud-Dawah chief Hafiz Saeed who is currently under house arrest in Lahore under the anti-terrorism law.

India has made a fresh demand in a reply to Pakistan’s request to send 24 Indian witnesses to record their statements in the case, an interior ministry official said. — PTI

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