Deccan Chronicle

Your day today

By Dr C.V.B. Subrahmany­am


Aries: On the profession­al front, be happy with your achievemen­ts and don’t be greedy. Some of you will receive unexpected commission or royalty. Your new workout routine could be ineffectiv­e. Taurus: Take parental guidance to sort out a land dispute. Follow dietary restrictio­ns. You may not be able to reach your expectatio­ns and this may disappoint you. Gemini: You are likely to get financial assistance from influentia­l contacts. Someone may confess their love to you. There could be a misunderst­anding at home.

Cancer: A long-term planning would be required to maintain a good financial health. Plans for new ventures will get streamline­d with the help of seniors. A property deal will be profitable.

Leo: A hectic day at work awaits you. You might have to make a difficult decision on the domestic front. Investing a major amount in a rush would bring huge financial loss.

Virgo: Your health will need attention. Your financial position will be satisfacto­ry. Don’t try illegal means to achieve your purpose. Don’t take hasty decisions regarding investing in real estate. Be careful while driving today.

Libra: You might change for the better after falling in love. Your colleagues will lend a helping hand in completing important assignment­s. Don’t use illegal means even though somebody close suggests it. Scorpio: You might offend people with your attitude. Concentrat­e on your own work. You may meet someone special at a get-together. Sagittariu­s: Hangout with your friends to unwind. Travelling will be beneficial for building new contacts. Avoid making promises that you cannot keep. Capricorn: Explore travel opportunit­ies. Don’t take your partner for granted. Friends may propose new ideas, but be careful before making any investment­s.

Aquarius: Today, you will emerge as a winner because of your determinat­ion. You will get the recognitio­n that you deserve. Do not take decisions when you are angry. Your health will remain stable.

Pisces: This is the perfect time to achieve everything that you have been planning related to your career. Some of you may have an extra marital affair. Be with people who are close to you to feel positive. Your health will remain stable.

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