Deccan Chronicle

Laughter, the real mantra of life

- The writer, editor of Osho World, is the author of Mindfulnes­s: The Master Key Swami Chaitanya Keerti

Bodhidharm­a was the first patriarch of Zen, who took Buddha’s message of meditation and compassion to China. In Zen monasterie­s, there has been one serious question to meditate on: Why did Bodhidharm­a go to China?

Osho gives a simple answer: “I know the reason — the Chinese are more joyous people than Indians, more delighted with life and small things, more colourful. It must be the reason why Bodhidharm­a travelled so long, crossed the Himalayas to seek and search for people who could laugh with him, and who were not serious, not great scholars and philosophe­rs, and this and that. No, China has not created great philosophe­rs like India has. It has created a few great mystics like Laozi and Zhuang Zhou, but they all are laughing Buddhas. It must be that Bodhidharm­a’s search in China was a search for people who were nonserious.”

Osho concludes: “My whole effort here is to make you light, non-serious, laughing. People come to me, particular­ly Indians and complain: ‘What type of sanyasis are you creating? They don’t look like sanyasis. A sanyasi, has to be a serious person, almost dead, a corpse. These people laugh and dance and hug each other. This is unbelievab­le! Sanyasis doing this?’” And I tell them, “Who else? Who else can do that? — only sanyasis can laugh.” Today, I am delighted to be addressed as the ferocious Buddha. I do not get hurt. Rather I have a big laugh.

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