Deccan Chronicle



The Supreme Court's decision that Aadhaar (Aadhaar not a must; DC, March 28) can be mandatory only for non-welfare activities and therefore it should not be insisted on when citizens avail benefits under the government's social welfare schemes, until the final disposal of a case in this matter, is welcome. Also, the Chief Justice of India deciding to set up a larger seven-judge bench to ascertain as to whether Aadhaar is really an invasion of privacy would help clear the air. K.R. Srinivasan Secunderab­ad

More than once, the apex court has expressed its view against the insistence on producing Aadhaar card for every purpose. All the same, the government is frequently going ahead with extending its scope. The objective behind making Aadhaar omnipresen­t seems obscure. Raghunandh­a Rao K. Hyderabad

In spite of repeated orders by the Supreme Court not to make possession of Aadhaar card mandatory for various welfare schemes, some organisati­ons are still asking for these cards to avail benefits including for welfare schemes. Nobody should intrude into citizens' privacy and make our identity public by insisting we produce Aadhaar card. Dr. K. Jayasundar Hyderabad. FARMER SUICIDES

The advice of the Supreme Court to the Centre to formulate schemes to protect farmers is appreciabl­e. But there are states that may be a little hostile and may not adopt the policy and then blame the Centre for its failure. The entire responsibi­lity should be borne by the states for farmers committing suicide due to crop failure. M P Yadav Hyderabad NO TO GAIKWAD

It's heartening to see Gajapati Raju taking on Shiv Sena MP, Ravindra Galkwad for indulging in rude behaviour on an Air India flight, and saying that an MP is like any other citizen in a flight. (Aviation mantri admonishes MP; DC, March 28). Elected members should learn from their mistakes. P.J. David Hyderabad

Though many leaders have opposed the ban on MPs' flying right, the Sena MP should immediatel­y tender an apology and see that the issue is settled at the earliest. Just because he is an MP, he cannot behave rudely. G. Vinay Kiran, Hyderabad

It was good to know that the United Naga Council has announced the withdrawal of the 130-day-long economic blockade in Manipur (130-day blockade in Manipur ends; DC, March 20). Hats off to the Manipur government and the ruling alliance! M Nisha, Secunderab­ad. Every Monday the best letter of the week wins `300. Email your letters to,, or fax them to 27805256. You can also send them to Editor, Deccan Chronicle, 36, Sarojini Devi Road, Secunderab­ad-500 003. Letters without full address will not be considered for the prize.

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