Deccan Chronicle



AIMIM president and Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi on Monday said that if the Union government does not stop “gau-rakshaks” soon, anarchy will rule due to the acts of terrorism committed by the so-called cow vigilantes against innocent people.

Interactin­g with the media at the party headquarte­rs, the MP asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to stop appealing for security of every student in Kashmir and start implementi­ng the law instead.

He said that so far, gaurakshak­s have murdered nine people and raped two Muslim women in Mewat of Haryana on August 24, 2016 after killing the uncle and aunt of the victims. “Despite this, the government does not want to use full force of the law against them,” Mr Owaisi said.

Referring to the PM’s appeal on Sunday to all Chief Ministers to take care of students from Jammu and Kashmir in their respective states, he said “Prime Minister’s appeal remains on paper. Kashmiri students have been beaten up by gau-rakshaks many times.”

The MP alleged that the BJP and the Central government does not want to stop gau rakshaks as they have a soft corner for them since they are from the RSS.

He said “If the BJP is practicing Hindutva, let it do so and see what will be the impact on the country.”

Voicing concern over attacks on Kashmiri youth in different parts of the country, Mr Owaisi reminded that many Kashmiri youth were studying in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Haryana under the Prime Minister’s scholarshi­ps.

Reacting to the Centre’s move to provide Unique Identifica­tion Code for each cow in the country, he said that priorities of government were completely misplaced as it was neither bothered about 15 per cent of pregnant women nor about 27 per cent children with stunted growth.

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