Deccan Chronicle

Stop destabilis­ing the situation: US to N. Korea


Washington, April 24: With tensions rising between the US and North Korea, the Pentagon on Sunday called for the isolated communist nation to avoid destabilis­ing the situation further.

“We call on North Korea to refrain from provocativ­e, destabilis­ing actions and rhetoric, and to make the strategic choice to fulfill its internatio­nal obligation­s and commitment­s and return to serious talks,” CNN quoted Pentagon spokesman Gary Ross as saying. “North Korea’s unlawful weapons programmes represent a clear, grave threat to US national security.”

The statement came just hours after a North Korean newspaper said Pyongyang was ready to take out a US aircraft carrier conducting drills with Japanese destroyers near the Philippine­s.

Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of the North Korean government’s central committee, said in an editorial the country is ready to illustrate its “military force” by sinking the “nuclearpow­ered aircraft carrier with a single strike.”

The state department, meanwhile, said it was committed to directly addressing the North Korean nuclear threat. “Provocatio­ns from North Korea have grown far too common and far too dangerous to ignore,” a department spokespers­on told CNN.

“Together with the internatio­nal community, we will hold the Kim Jung-un regime accountabl­e for its dangerous and reckless actions and serious human rights abuses,” the spokespers­on said.

US ambassador to the UN has also warned North Korea saying US will strike North if it attacks a US military base or tests an interconti­nental ballistic missile.

In several television interviews, Nikki Haley praised China’s involvemen­t in trying to pressure North Korea to cease missile testing and criticised Pyongyang’s leader, Kim Jong Un, as unstable and paranoid.

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