Deccan Chronicle



As the May 1 deadline for doing away with beacons atop VIP vehicles nears, the state government is looking at other ways of identifyin­g vehicles used by ministers and bureaucrat­s. It says it is doing this for security reasons!

The General Administra­tion Department (GAD) which manages VIP protocol has asked the home department to suggest alternativ­es. Putting special symbols or stickers on these vehicles or advertisin­g the VIP status of the car’s passenger in bold lettering on the car are some of the options.

Defeating the very purpose of the Prime Minister’s order that ministers and bureaucrat­s should not get special treatment, these worthies have been making special requests to the state government to restore their status in some other way so that they face no security prohibitio­n minister T. Padma Rao has removed the beacon light from his official vehicle.

“I have removed the beacon light from my official vehicle today. It doesn’t make a difference when you are close to people. We had it because it was permitted,” Mr Rao told this newspaper. or traffic problems while travelling.

Ministers and other public representa­tives holding constituti­onal posts, and senior bureaucrat­s, are provided escort vehicles when they travel in the city or districts. They argue that it will be difficult for the escort vehicles to follow them on city roads as general traffic would not recognise these vehicles in the absence of the beacons, and come in between them and the escort vehicles.

Mantris and babus also want traffic clearance to attend ‘emergency meetings’ held by the chief minister and say that the police may not provide the same if their vehicles are not marked out in some way. They will also not have the same parking privileges and their vehicles will not be allowed into high security areas.

Meanwhile, the government is yet to receive orders from the Centre on the beacon ban.

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