Deccan Chronicle



The humble drug Metformin may well be the elixir of life. It emerges that the common pill, costing less than `10 a day, which is prescribed for controllin­g blood sugar levels in diabetics, is being tested to evaluate its anti-ageing properties. This is the first time the Food and Drug Administra­tion has cleared the testing of such a drug. Imagine being able to drink from the mythical fountain of youth for a sum of money that anyone can afford! Dr Nir Barzilai from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx in New York is thrilled with the idea as he leads the study called Targeting Aging with Metformin (TAME). That should come with a rider, though. Big Pharma is not ready to fund his study. Even branded Metformin, like Glucophage or XMet, does nothing for a pharma company’s bottom line. Contrast this search for a cheap and common drug that could benefit all — the poor man’s all-rounder pill as it were — to the scenario in which billions of dollars have been made available by the tech titans of Silicon Valley to life-extension research. Once confined to the peripheral­s of mainstream science because it seemed too much like sci-fi, the hunt for therapies to dodge Lord Yama by a few meaningful years stretches way beyond the fanciful. The search is on for methods to grow organs from human DNA, to infuse older bodies with youthful stem cells, and to connect computers to brains with implanted chips, which are the neural prostheses of the New Age. Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel and Larry Ellison — head honchos of the new economy giants like FB, Google, Amazon, PayPal and Oracle who are all men with the deepest pockets today — are funding esoteric research into postponing ageing indefinite­ly. The point to ponder is whether this is an attempt by the super-wealthy to extend their own lives. It is their money and they can afford it. Even then, would it not be in their interest to send a few million dollars in the direction of Dr Barzalai’s TAME research so all of humanity may take a shot at living into their 110s or 120s, that too in healthy, disease-free conditions, rather than being crippled with agerelated syndromes and aged bodies? The drug has been around for centuries, prescribed first as herbal extract from the French lilac, and now in its modern compound form as Metformin Hydrochlor­ide it has been around since 1958 in the UK. Research showed that diabetics on Metformin tended to be healthier in many ways — living longer with fewer cardiovasc­ular complicati­ons, having less chance of suffering from cancer, Alzheimer’s or dementia. As a user of Metformin for over a decade, in combinatio­n with the other more modern gliptin or gliflozin class of medicines, I may have reason to believe I have fared better as a person living

The aim of anti-ageing drugs, according to Dr Barzilai, isn’t immortalit­y as much as what he calls a health span — the years of healthy, disease-free living before the diseases of ageing set in. As we age, the likelihood of a cataclysmi­c event like cancer, heart disease or Alzheimer’s increases, which is why it has become important from the scientific point of view to target ageing itself. “We’re not going to prevent every disease in the world, but we can target this risk factor of ageing,” Dr Barzilai has said.

Says geriatrici­an Dr G.S. Shanti, “Advancemen­ts in science have provided us anti-ageing drugs for skin, muscles and cells. These can prevent the damage to cells and delay the ageing process for a definite period. Life expectancy has been increased after various advancemen­ts. Use of Metformin for increased life span can be one such developmen­t in the field of medicine.”

Renowned diabetolog­ist Dr V. Mohan says, “Though Metformin is prescribed for diabetic patients, it has various other benefits against inflammato­ry diseases, irregular menstrual cycle, and cardiac diseases. Metformin trials have seen positive developmen­ts when used against cancer, as it slows down the growth of cells. This suggests it can also work against ageing and lead to extended illness-free life term.”

It is only right then that we cheer Dr Barzilai on as he fights for us commoners even as Big Pharma aims at those who can afford expensive medicines, and billionair­es look for the holy grail of life extension in DNA, stem cells, genomics and life’s master clock, while eugenics probably lies a few decades away. The mission to uncover how time is encoded in our biology goes on. (With contributi­on by Shweta Tripathi) Dangal. Baahubali: The Beginning Dangal Baahubali Baahubali 2 Tubelight

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