Deccan Chronicle

Pollution to haunt for 3 generation­s


Thought you would be unaffected by the dust and pollution with a rolled-up window and the air-conditioni­ng on in the car? Sorry, you are wrong as a new research from Duke University has pointed that when the car hits the road at rush hours, the pollution levels reach a high not just outside, but inside the car as well, that too twice the level.

The research was conducted by placing a pollution sensor within the car as well as on the road side and the results showed that particulat­e matter 2.5 levels were higher inside the car when the traffic was more congested.

This study can be crucial for the city, which faces traffic hiccups regularly due to damaged roads and the road developmen­t projects.

“Pollution is similar to smoking. Instead of nicotine, the person would inhale carbon monoxide, sulphur and nitrogen,” neurologis­t Dr Sudhir Kumar says.

“This sustained lack of clean air can have a long-term effect on the brain health. The blood vessels would shrink as they would be clogged with cholestero­l, sludge, making it harder for oxygen to reach the brain. Strokes are common in smokers, but with pollution, the chances of brain stroke would be higher,” he adds.

Though all these studies are preliminar­y, doctors in the city say the effects of pollution can be seen on all part of the body. “Though the effects are indirect and take time to kick in, the manifestat­ions will be more obvious in a few years,” Dr Sandeep Nayani says.

“The research is in UK and takes into account the traffic habits of a developed country. Since they stay in the pollution can cause asthma in up to three generation­s of offspring. Gynae-cologists say that this happens because immune cells, which play a key role in lung-related diseases, are generated by the mother. Sasikala Kola, a gynaecolog­ist, says, “The air that a mother breathes dictates foetal developmen­t. If the mother is exposed to more pollutants, it could lead to the translocat­ion of genetic material.” If pregnant women are exposed to polluted air, it could cause their babies to have low birth weights. Dr Vimme Bhindra, a gynaecolog­ist, says, “We see more low-weight babies and premature deliveries in urban areas. This could be because of the fumes that the mothers inhale during pregnancy.”

Doctors stress the importance of breathing clean air during the first trimester to ensure proper growth of the foetus. They caution that problems in the first trimester could lead to complicati­ons in the future. car for hours, due to more sophistica­ted road sense, the whole activity of driving is passive,” Dr Sudhir says.

But in India, one drives with the utmost alertness, hence, the brain would stay more alert, he adds.

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