Deccan Chronicle

Tejaswi questions Nitish’s policy of ‘zero tolerance’


Former Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav on Wednesday questioned Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s “Zero tolerance” policy on corruption and asked him whether he would seek a probe into the Panama case

He said Chief Minister Nitish Kumar had dumped the grand secular alliance “because his conscience didn’t allow him to remain with people who faced corruption charges but we fail to understand now that why he hasn’t raised his voice or demanded a probe against those whose names surfaced in Panama case”.

According to him, several political leaders named in Panama case are somehow associated with the NDA and no action against anyone has been taken so far.

He said that “inquiry must be ordered against Chhattisga­rh CM Raman Singh’s son and Amitabh Bachchan to find out about their involvemen­t in the case. Their names along with one of Adani brothers had surfaced during the initial probe”.

Referring to a recent survey report, Tejashwi Yadav said that the more than 75 percent ministers in the new NDA regime are tainted and facing criminal charges including Chief Minister Nitish Kumar.

“More than 75 percent ministers in the newly formed cabinet are tainted including Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister, what happened to his zero tolerance policy on corruption, how the state will develop with so many ministers facing criminal charges”. Tejashwi Yadav said.

Tejashwi Yadav has been criticizin­g Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar ever since he left the grand secular alliance and formed a government with the NDA. On Wednesday he reiterated that Nitish Kumar used cases against him as an excuse to form an alliance with the BJP. He also announced a massive agitation in Bihar against the new NDA regime and said the opposition unity will be expanded further to fight against the communal forces. Talking to reporters on the issue former Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav confirmed that Lalu Yadav and other secular leaders have been in constant touch with Sharad Yadav and he is likely to announce his decision soon.

“Our party president Lalu Yadav and other leaders are in touch with him. Sharad Yadav is a senior leader and he is also upset over Nitish Kumar’s attitude. Those who were with Nitish Kumar during Samata Party days have left him one by one due to his attitude”, Tejashwi Yadav said.

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