Deccan Chronicle

Exam board may be fined for question error

Mistake in question on the Bard’s Romeo and Juliet rakes up a row


London, Aug. 13: A UK examinatio­n’s regulator on Sunday indicated that it may consider a fine on an examinatio­n board over a blunder in its Shakespear­e question which mixed up the two warring clans of the Bard’s most popular play Romeo and Juliet.

The Oxford, Cambridge and RSA (OCR) examinatio­ns board confused the Capulets and the Montagues in a question on the English literature General Certificat­e of Secondary Education (GCSE) paper taken by around 14,000 teenagers.

Candidates appearing for the exam on May 26 were asked: “How does Shakespear­e present the ways in which Tybalt’s hatred of the Capulets influences the outcome of the play?”

Since Tybalt is Juliet’s cousin and a Capulet, the question should have referred to his hatred of the Montagues.

“The Romeo and Juliet error is a unique case. It was a bad error, it was an unacceptab­le error,” Sally Collier, chief regulator of Ofqual, told The Sunday Times. “We have been working very closely with the OCR to ensure everything possible is done to minimise the impact on student performanc­e. I want to return to this after the summer and as a regulator I may well want to take action. I have a range of powers at my disposal. I can fine them, investigat­e them or direct them to take a specific action,” she said.

Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespear­e’s most performed plays.

It has also been adapted for the big screen by George Cukor in 1935, Franco Zeffirelli in 1968, and Baz Luhrmann’s 1996 MTV-inspired version, starring a young Leonardo DiCaprio. — PTI

 ??  ?? MODERN ROMEO: Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio in Romeo + Juliet
ONE OF England’s biggest exam boards had made a mistake in the English literature GCSE paper.
IN A question about the character Tybalt from Romeo and Juliet the board wrongly implied...
MODERN ROMEO: Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio in Romeo + Juliet ONE OF England’s biggest exam boards had made a mistake in the English literature GCSE paper. IN A question about the character Tybalt from Romeo and Juliet the board wrongly implied...

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