Deccan Chronicle

How not to travel anywhere

- Jawed Naqvi By arrangemen­t with Dawn

Travelling can work in opposite ways. It can come as wanderlust that gives one a feel of new horizons. Or it can be a temptation to contaminat­e new climes with hidebound habits. Mirza Ghalib prescribed the first route in the 19th century. The second has been popularise­d by Narendra Modi.

Hasad se dil agar afsurda hai, garm-i-tamasha ho/ Ke chashm-i-tang shaayad kasrati-nazara se va ho.

That was Ghalib’s prescripti­on. A good antidote to suffocatin­g ennui or chashm-i-tang, he said, could be kasrat-i-nazara, the expansiven­ess of new things to see. Marco Polo and Ibne Batuta would have warmed the cockles of Ghalib’s heart. T.S. Eliot captured the Urdu poet’s advice succinctly:

“Oh, do not ask, ‘What is it?’/ Let us go and make our visit.”

The lines from Eliot’s much-critiqued poem — The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock — have nudged many to nirvana.

Modi’s apparent insecuriti­es with his identity can be seen in loudly choreograp­hed cultural assertions. This obviously was not the case with Nehru and others who preceded him.

Modi’s avoidable complexes have found him distributi­ng copies of the Bhagvad Gita to visitors even as he makes bold claims to insights into India’s hoary past. Come to think of it, the Pope, whose job it is to proselytis­e, doesn’t offer free copies of the Bible. If anything, world leaders who come to the Vatican to confer with him would not miss the opportunit­y to visit the Sistine Chapel. Modi, though, would derive greater pleasure from securing an easy sanction from the ruler of Abu Dhabi to build a temple in the emirate.

Would Modi visit the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village in New York, a catalyst for the gay rights movement in the US?

Ghalib, to return to the master of cultural assimilati­on, memorably set off on a journey to colonial Calcutta from his modest perch in Delhi. En route, he composed an amazing tribute to the majesty of Benares and its Hindu populace. Savour an excerpt from Qurratulai­n Hyder’s translatio­n of Chiragh-i-Dair or ((temple lamps):

May Heaven keep/ The grandeur of Benares/ Arbour of bliss, meadow of joy,/ For oft-returning souls/ Their journey’s end./ In this weary Temple-land of the world/ Safe from the whirlwind of Time,/ Benaras is forever spring,/ Where autumn turns/ Into the touch of sandal on their foreheads/ Springtime wears the sacred thread/ Of flowerwave­s/ And the splash of twilight/ Is the crimson mark of Kashi’s/ Dust on heaven’s brow.

We’ve seen snapshots of Modi’s engagement­s with his Indian fans abroad. Had he gone to New York to gain firsthand knowledge about a multicultu­ral city instead, the PM would have visited the streets of Harlem with Savona BaileyMcCl­ain. The AfricanAme­rican art curator and historian would have walked him through the evolution of the district. Ghalib described British vengeance when they flattened the old city of Delhi after 1857. Modi would now learn that the British also burnt down the district of Manhattan in their pursuit of George Washington’s militia.

Would Modi visit the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village in New York, a catalyst for the gay rights movement in the United States? Marie’s Crisis is a piano bar in the vicinity. All the men and women of varied sexual orientatio­ns can be found in the evenings.

The inimitable pamphletee­r and documentar­y-maker Michael Moore is currently appearing on Broadway in a play about himself. It is called The Terms of My Surrender,a 90-minute one-man show mostly about how to get even with Donald Trump’s ideology of hate. Moore announces to each packed show how he keeps a seat in the balcony for the president of the US. We recommend he keep a place for Mr Modi too.

“How the hell did this happen?” Moore’s opening gambit sets the tempo for the monologue. The audience goes into raptures. Moore reasons how things may not be as bad as they look. The president, the vice president, the supreme court, both houses of Congress belong to rivals. “But we have the majority.” Moore’s optimism flows from the actual headcount, which gave the Democrats a majority of the votes while the electoral college robbed them of victory — a message for the needlessly dishearten­ed.

Ghalib would enjoy the planetariu­m in New York. “Our sun is an ordinary star, just one among hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy,” a plaque reminds us tersely. “As the only star we can observe in detail, it provides a basis for our understand­ing of all stars.”

The message unwittingl­y summarises Ghalib’s own fulminatio­ns: Hasti ke mat fareb mein aajaaiyo Asad/ Aalam tamaam halqa-i-daam-ikhayaal hai. The universe deceptivel­y fits into a single hole of the fisherman’s net that resembles the mind, said the poet. The Big Bang occurred 13 billion years ago. And 3.8bn years ago, life took root on Earth. How ancient is religion or any nation, including Mr Modi’s?

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