Deccan Chronicle

`1.75 tr, 18L people, 3L shell cos under scrutiny


New Delhi, Aug. 15: Vowing to continue the crackdown on black money, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said `1.75 lakh crore (`1.75 trillion) deposits in banks post note-ban as well as 18 lakh people with income beyond known means are under scrutiny.

Addressing the nation on the 71st Independen­ce Day, Mr Modi said demonetisa­tion of old `500 and `1,000 notes last November led to at least `2 lakh crore of undeclared income coming into the banking system.

Besides, Mr Modi said, it led to doubling of income tax filers to 56 lakh and detection of over 3 lakh ‘shell’ or paper companies that were used for money laundering.

After withdrawin­g the legal tender status of high denominati­on currency, the government had given 50-day window for depositing the junked currency in bank accounts.

Demonetisa­tion, according to independen­t research, helped bring `3 lakh crore of unaccounte­d wealth into the banking system, Mr Modi said in his fourth address to the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort.

Mr Modi, who devoted biggest chunk of his nearly an hour-long speech to black money, said that out of the money deposited in banks post note ban, over `1.75 lakh crore is under scrutiny.

“More than `2 lakh crore black money has reached banks and now people depositing such money are being made to answer questions.”

The move, he said, has checked generation of new black money.

“We will continue our fight against black money and corruption. And slowly by using technology and connecting (biometric identifica­tion) Aadhaar (with several items including bank accounts and income tax return filing) we have made successful efforts,” he added.


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