Deccan Chronicle


Nation’s prestige has grown under Modi: FM


Lucknow, Oct. 15: Union home minister Rajnath Singh said on Sunday that the country’s borders were completely safe and China has also begun to understand that “India is no more weak”.

Mr Singh said under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi India has become powerful.

“Since the formation of the government at the Centre under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India has become a powerful country in the world.”

Lucknow, Oct. 15: Union home minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday said the country’s borders were “completely safe” and China has also started to understand that “India is no more weak”.

Mr Singh said under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi India has become a powerful country and its prestige at the internatio­nal level has also grown.

Addressing a gathering at a programme organised by Bhartiya Lodhi Mahasabha here, he referred to the recent Doklam stand-off and said, “India’s borders are completely safe and China has started to understand that India is no more weak. Its strength has grown.” The Union minister said that the dispute related to China has been resolved.

“Since the formation of the government at the Centre under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India has become a powerful country in the world. India’s prestige at the internatio­nal level has grown,” he said.

Mr Singh also hit out at Pakistan for “sending terrorists” to India.

“It (Pakistan) tries to break India, but our security personnel every day kill five to ten terrorists,” he added.

Further, he said participat­ing in programmes organised by caste groups does not amount to indulging in votebank politics, and added: “We do not do politics only for votes. We do politics to build the society and the country.”

Mr Singh, who represents Lucknow in the Lok Sabha, said while assuming office, PM Modi had made it clear that his government will be dedicated to the poor people. —

REFERRING to the recent Doklam standoff the union minister said that India’s borders are completely safe and China has started to understand that India is no more weak. Its strength has grown.

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