Deccan Chronicle





He has just been awarded the 2017 Right to Livelihood Award. But Dr Colin Gonsalves, a Supreme Court senior advocate and the founder of the Human Rights Law Network, is characteri­stically humble about his achievemen­t. “Well, I’m not the first Indian to get this award. There were Indians before me like Ruth Manorama, Medha Patkar and others who were given this award, but it’s been 10 years since an Indian got this award, and in that sense, it’s been a long break for Indians. I see the award as recognitio­n of the work done by NGOs and civil society organisati­ons in this country, and I see the timing of the award as important because India is going through a very dark period where human rights are being restricted at an unpreceden­ted scale. So we are happy, not just individual­ly but for the whole community within which we work to see that the democratic rights struggle we are engaging in has achieved some recognitio­n in the world,” he responds.

Let’s backtrack a little. Almost, seven years ago, Dr Gonsalves was presented with an honorary doctorate by Joshua Castellino, dean of the Law School at Middlesex University in London. Castelino paid this 65-yearold Indian gentleman the ultimate tribute by calling him, “the modern conscience of India.”

Do such honorary recognitio­ns help him in his constant fight for justice in human rights cases? “They help enormously because there are very few NGOs and organisati­ons that get the recognitio­n they deserve. India is a huge country with thousands of very good fighters for democratic rights but because of the conditions under which they live, they don’t have financial recourses to travel abroad, so they are known very little outside India. Even though they do such fantastic work in India, even though they put their lives on the line for democratic rights struggles, they do not get the recognitio­n they deserve. Several Right to Informatio­n activists and journalist­s have been jailed or killed. A friend of ours, Gauri Lankesh was assassinat­ed. There are many people who could get these awards, some more active than I am, much better than I am. So I think these recognitio­ns open up India and through me, I’m able to tell the world of the marvellous work being done which needs to be supported,” adds Dr Gonsalves.

The prestigiou­s award (also known as the Alternativ­e Nobel) given by the Stockholm-based Foundation has identified Dr Gonsalves for “his tireless and innovative use of public interest litigation over three decades to secure fundamenta­l human rights for India’s most marginalis­ed and vulnerable citizens.”

How does he plan to put to use the cash award of `22.42 crores that he shares with two other laureates, Azeri journalist Khadija Ismayilova and Ethiopian lawyer Yetnebersh Nigussie? “This may sound funny but I don’t know what the award amount is and I suspect it comes nowhere near the amount you’ve mentioned, but I’ve already declared that we’re going to use part of the money to set up a trust for the legal defense of journalist­s, RTI activists, tribal activists and so on. This trust will be independen­tly managed and we’ll have prominent journalist­s as a part of it. The second thing has been our dream for a very, very long time — to set up a Centre for Constituti­onal Rights. This centre would train young lawyers, paralegals and social activists in public interest litigation. Although this will be centered in Delhi, it will reach out to all countries that have Constituti­ons — many countries of Africa, South America, and Asia. And it will try and take the technique of PILS — which is class action litigation — to lawyers and activists in these countries. The money might not be enough to (fully) set up the centres so we’ll use it as seed money, and others can also contribute in their set up. These are the twin purposes we’ll use the award money for,” he states.

For those who are not familiar with his background, Dr Gonsalves graduated from IIT in civil engineerin­g in 1975 and three years later opted to study law at night school. He did this after experienci­ng a politicall­y volatile environmen­t at IIT, Bombay.

Was there any specific incident that influenced this decision? Also, was it common to change tracks back then?

“It was not common or easy to change tracks after five years of engineerin­g. But for me, it was easier because that period was very politicall­y volatile — the Emergency, Jayaprakas­h Narayan movement, the railway strike and later the textile strike. So unlike many young people today, I grew up, fortunatel­y, in an atmosphere of debate, of political repression, of young people going off to villages to join the Naxalite movement. I attended a study circle in IIT called the Marxist Study Circle Group and my mind gravitated towards social sciences in my third year, which meant that by the time I was finished with my five-year course, I was very happy to move away from engineerin­g. I was then offered a job for `500 with Dr Datta Samant, who was my guru, and this was my salary for five years with an IIT degree, and yet, these were the happiest years of my life. I don’t think I was underpaid at all. This is why I think you should have exciting formative years where your learning curve is very steep,” he elaborates.

We steer the conversati­on towards his personal life and ask him if he has other passions besides fighting for Human Rights? “Outside the law, I am a very dull and boring character, I suppose. I’m very consumed by the law and human rights, by my work and organisati­on building. I’ve also been fortunate to have had a chance to meet with the most wonderful fighters and inspiring people — not just great leaders, but ordinary people as well. Today, of course, my passion apart from my work is my family — and trekking and walking in the mountains! I love the solitude of the mountains. But my real joy and passion is that I have met hundreds of inspiring people,” he confesses.

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