Deccan Chronicle



Karnataka, 2017

October: A couple living as tenants in Koramangal­a in Bengaluru got the shock of their lives when they were told that their private sexual moments had been uploaded onto a porn website!

The husband got a call from an unknown number informing him that their intimate moments were uploaded on a porn website, giving him the website address. into private space and it can damage the victim badly. “Knowing that their private video has gone public sows great fear, phobia, anxiety, depression in the victim; they may go through post-traumatic disorder. They may resort to self-harm and attempt suicide. Those whose personal space has been hacked usually take years to recover or sometimes don’t get out of that fear shell and are subjected to extensive therapy.

“There are cases of offenders and re-offenders. Also, there are people who are addicted to porn and sell a video of their private space to earn money. This apart, they constantly resort to image morphing images. Such offenders can be termed as antisocial and definitely need psychologi­cal treatment.”

When the couple checked the website, they found the informatio­n was true.

They filed a police complaint and investigat­ion showed that the house owner had the spare key to their house.

The couple had mentioned in their complaint that they suspected the owner’s son of planting a camera in their bedroom when they were away.

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