Deccan Chronicle



Telangana Congress Legislatur­e Party (CLP) has decided to contest in the Rajya Sabha elections scheduled on March 23, even though it has no required strength of MLAs.

A CLP meeting was held on Friday to discuss the strategy to be adopted in the Assembly Budget Session scheduled on March 12. AICC in-charge of Telangana Congress R.C. Khuntia also attended the meeting.

When the issue of Rajya Sabha elections came, they decided to contest. In the meeting, former cricketer Mohammad Azahruddin, Congress leaders Guduru Narayana Reddy and Ravindra Naik’s names came up for discussion.

After the CLP meeting, MLA Sampath Kumar told the media that they have decided to contest in the Rajya Sabha elections. Rajya Sabha elections will be held for 3 seats in Telangana.

To win in the Rajya Sabha elections, 30 MLAs support is required. TRS has full strength to win all the 3 seats. In the 2014 elections, Congress won with 21 MLAs but at present it has only 12 MLAs after the defections. Mr Sampath Kumar said they will request for the support of other parties.

He said they have decided to contest in the Rajya Sabha elections to expose the TRS on encouragin­g the party defections. CLP has decided to support MRPS bandh on March 13 on SC categorisa­tion issue.

Meanwhile, CLP has identified 25 issues including attacks on Dalits, law and order, unemployme­nt problem and others to raise in the Assembly.

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