Deccan Chronicle



AIMIM president Asaduddin Owaisi on Sunday called Nathuram Godse, the man who assassinat­ed Mahatma Gandhi, as the ‘Number 1 Hindu Rashtra Terrorist’.

Addressing a rally in Pune on Saturday night, Mr Owaisi said the Muslims had never tried to “sell India”. He said, “We have been threatened for last 70 years. But now we are not going get frightened.”

The Hyderabad MP further said that Indian Muslims would go to neither Syria nor Pakistan. “Those who had to go to Pakistan have already gone. Our forefather­s fought against the British, they raised slogans of Hindustan Zindabad,” he said.

Speaking about the triple talaq Bill, Mr Owaisi said the Bill is an “injustice” to Muslim women and they should stand up against it.

He said it was the “beauty of India” that people from different faiths lived here. “The Constituti­on allowed everyone to follow their faiths. While the BJP-led government at the Centre “claimed to care about the rights of Muslim women, it had come up with the triple talaq Bill, which is an injustice against Muslim women,” he said.

Mr Owaisi had slammed Sri Sri Ravi Shankar earlier for claiming India would turn into Syria. “He does not believe in the Constituti­on. He does not believe in the law. He feels he is the law himself. He feels he is so big that everyone should listen to what he says. He is not neutral,” he added.

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