Deccan Chronicle

Cong scales down powers of PCC chiefs, in-charges


The new system adopted by the Congress high command to decentrali­se powers whittles down the importance of PCC presidents and state incharges AICC general secretarie­s.

AICC secretarie­s who are incharge of states have been given independen­ce and responsibi­lities.

AICC president Rahul Gandhi has divided Telangana state into north, south and central zones and appointed an AICC secretary to each of them. Each of the zones comprises about 40 Assembly constituen­cies.

The zones will have their own working presidents, and the AICC secretarie­s will be attached to them. These two leaders will have full powers in their zones and the PCC president or AICC general secretary will not be allowed to involve themselves in the In the old system, each state used to have a AICC general secretary incharge, with one or two AICC secretarie­s to assist.

Under the new system, the PCC president and incharge AICC general secretary will oversee party affairs at the state level. while the zones are left to the working president and the AICC secretary incharges.

This makes the AICC secretary and working president responsibl­e for zonal affairs, while restrictin­g the powers of PCC presidents and incharge general secretarie­s.

The AICC secretarie­s and working presidents have to submit monthly reports to the high command on the activities in their respective zones. Other responsibi­lities include selection of candidates in the Assembly constituen­cies in the zone, preparatio­n of list of aspirants and resolving of difference­s among leaders or groups.

They are expected to stay in regular touch with party leaders and workers till the elections are over. If the high command wants any informatio­n about any leader in any zone, they have to send the report.

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