Deccan Chronicle

Halala victim narrates her tale of woe in U.P.

SHABINA, a halala victim from Bareilly, said that her husband gave her triple talaq over a trivial issue and then forced her to marry her father-inlaw and consummate the marriage as part of halala.


After triple talaq, it is the halala practice that is grabbing headlines.

A ‘halala’ victim from Bareilly, Shabina, has now come forward to relate her tale of woe.

Shabina is a victim of multiple divorce and multiple halala and when she finally revolted against the practice, she and her family members have been receiving death threats.

Narrating her ordeal before a select group of media persons in Bareilly, Shabina said that her husband gave her triple talaq over a trivial issue and then forced her to marry her father-in-law and consummate the marriage as part of ‘halala’. Her father-in-law later divorced her so that she could remarry her husband.

“My ordeal did not end here. My husband again gave me triple talaq and this time, he made me marry my brother-in-law but I put my foot down and left the house. I approached Nida Khan, also a triple talaq victim, for help and we decided to approach the media”, she said.

Shabina has now lodged a case in the local police station against five individual­s after receiving death threats.

SP (City) Abhinandan Singh said that a case has been registered. “The orders for investigat­ion have been given and action will be taken after the investigat­ions are over,” he said.

Bareilly’s Shaher Imam, Mufti Khurshid Alam, however, downplayed the issue and said that those raising voices against Shariat law and , particular­ly, ‘halala’ are doing so to gain media attention.

“We do not need to throw anyone out of Islam because people who speak against Shariat are automatica­lly considered out of Islam,” he added.

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