Deccan Chronicle



Lombok, Indonesia, July 29: A powerful earthquake that struck the Indonesian tourist island of Lombok on Sunday killed at least 14 people, injured scores and damaged thousands of homes, officials said.

Five children were among those killed by the shallow 6.4-magnitude early-morning quake, which sent people running outside in panic and triggered landslides on popular mountain hiking routes.

Scores of aftershock­s sparked fear among survivors. More than 120 were recorded, the biggest with a magnitude of 5.7, Indonesia’s meteorolog­y agency said. Local officials have declared a three-day state of emergency. President Joko Widodo is due to visit the island on Monday morning, his spokesman said.

“Based on reports, 14 people died, 162 were injured and thousands of homes were damaged,” Indonesian disaster mitigation agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said in a statement, adding that five of the dead were children. One Malaysian was killed and six injured, the Malaysian foreign ministry said.

“All of them were at the foot of Mount Rinjani when the incident happened,” it said, referencin­g the spectacula­r volcano that dominates the island.

The 30-year-old victim was inside a restroom when the entire building collapsed and crushed her, the New Straits Times quoted another Malaysian climber, Khairul Azim, as saying.

Khairul said his own group was unable to leave the Sembalun area because many roads including the main one had been damaged.

The constant aftershock­s sparked terrified shouts among scores of people made homeless in the Sembalun village in the district of the same name.

Some 200 people from 35 families whose house were damaged or destroyed had pitched tents there.

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